The McDonald’s Partnership Award celebrates initiatives that steward relations with our founding and forever mission partner by deepening understanding, expanding mutual benefits, and strengthening the partnership to increase the Chapter’s ability to deliver the RMHC mission. 2024 finalists and winners were vetted and chosen by their peers.
RMHC Hong Kong
Big Mac Big Heart – Moving the City to Act by Moving Their Hearts
With expanding demand for Family-Centered Care, RMHC Hong Kong opened its second Ronald McDonald House in 2023. The House has 66 rooms and each year will provide an additional 24,000 overnight stays for families with children who are ill or injured.
The second House tripled the scale of operations for RMHC Hong Kong, therefore increasing the need for donations and volunteers, RMHC Hong Kong decided to launch a mass campaign in partnership with their founding and forever partner, McDonald’s Hong Kong. McDonald’s channeled its brand values to drive awareness and emotional resonance for RMHC Hong Kong and used its scale and operational excellence to help drive donations.
By collaborating, McDonald’s & RMHC Hong Kong were able to:
Produce and distribute a short film demonstrating how RMHC helps strengthen and support the whole family when a child is sick.
Engage Hong Kong’s new generation superstar, Keung To, to become the new generation ambassador for RMHC Hong Kong.
Restore the Chapter’s large-scale charity run engaging families and corporate partners.
Bring back the Chicken Big Mac limited-time-offer and pledging $1 to RMHC Hong Kong for every Big Mac or Chicken Big Mac sold.
Work to make donations to RMHC Hong Kong in restaurants seamless and easy across all customer touchpoints.
Leverage the power of McDonald’s fandom and network to drive donations, volunteers and corporate donors.
This campaign was the most successful RMHC Hong Kong ever conducted. Activations helped spark important conversations about the value of Family-Centered Care across Hong Kong. Donations facilitated by McDonald’s increased by 155%. And volunteer interest increased thanks to the awareness Keung To brought to the charity.
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McDonald’s Partnership Award - Finalists
RMHC Chicagoland & Northwest Indiana - Stewarding the McDonald’s Relationship 365 - How Relationships lead to Significant Round Up Results
RMHC Greater Washington DC - Revving Up Round-Up for RMHC Through Strategic Partnership
RMHC Ireland - The Santa Hat Campaign
RMHC St. Louis - Round-Up for RMHC: Beyond the Store