The McBride Family

When Juliana was born 15 weeks early, she received life-saving medical treatment at a hospital over an hour away from home. Although they were understandably afraid, her parents, Julie and Jevon, were relieved to be able to stay at a Ronald McDonald House nearby. After staying by her side each day at the hospital, they were able to return to the House for a home-cooked meal, a hot shower and a peaceful night’s rest away from the beeping monitor in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. They were so grateful for the staff at the House for taking care of them just as hospital staff cared for Juliana.

Not only was the Ronald McDonald House their home during the 105 days that Juliana spent in the NICU, but they’ve utilized a RMHC program each year since Juliana’s birth four years ago. During every major surgery or hospital stay that Juliana has needed, her parents have been able to stay close to her at either the Ronald McDonald House or the Ronald McDonald Family Room program just steps away from her bedside.

Julie was surprised and grateful to learn that there are over 685 RMHC programs worldwide providing compassionate care to millions of families with ill or injured children when they need it most.

“When Juliana was hospitalized, we could rest knowing we were just steps away from her hospital bed thanks to RMHC. We’ve learned on our journey that even during the toughest times there’s always something to have gratitude for.”

“To us, RMHC means being together through the toughest times- families are not alone on their healthcare journey; children are not alone at the hospital.” This Mother’s Day season, your support of RMHC can help moms like Julie continue to feel fully supported so that they can focus on what matters most— their sick children.